Safeguarding Statement – May 2022
As an employer and as an operator of leisure facilities, Fusion Lifestyle (including any subsidiaries) have a duty of care to safeguard children, young people and adults at risk of harm and exploitation during the course of any activity relating to their employment or by visiting our sites.
Fusion is committed to promoting health, development, safety and welfare of all children, vulnerable adults, groups and families attending its centres and in all work settings including offices, remote and home-working environments.
Fusion recognise that we serve a diverse community through our centres and workplaces including in culture, racial background, religion, social class, financial resources and ability. Whilst these differences will be respected, differing cultural approaches to child rearing and vulnerable adults and groups will not be viewed as valid explanation for clear harm to a child, adult or vulnerable groups.
Our Safeguarding policy has been created to meet the requirements of the Childrens Act 1989 and 2004, Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, the Care Act 2014, the Working together to safeguard children guidance document 2015, and the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 (referred to as “Prevent”).
Fusion is committed to working in partnership with parents, group organizations and individuals surrounding any safeguarding concerns.
Where necessary and appropriate, our procedure addresses making a referral to local authority services including the police.
If you have a Safeguarding or Prevent concern about someone, or would like to know more about Fusion’s approach, please contact Maria Speight, Head of HR and Safeguarding Lead for the organisation, or Wayne Catherall, the Health & Safety Manager, through